Member for
14 years 6 monthsLatitude
sorry, it has been a long time and this is a week late.
there had been waves of jellyfish reports for the south o
finally it is starting to feel like spring/summer and the
i went swimming for the first time this year and it was c
a little late in reporting this, but...
ok, today i went snorkling again.
my wife had a sailing class with her students this mornin
following several days of high winds and semi-stormy weat
i returned to the beach today, the beaching still continu
for the past couple of days, and actually the past week o
surprisingly, there has been virtually no jellyfish this
same as the day before.
after several days of high winds and rough waters, i went
since the last time i wrote in i had 2 weeks of swimming
back to my regular frequent swims for the summer since it
yet another beautiful day for swimming.
typical swim today.
it was a nice day to swim. the water was calm and clear.
the water was exceptionally clear and calm today so i cou
went for the normal 20 minute swim with mask.
i went for my usual 20-25 minute swim with mask and snork
only went swimming for 10 minutes due to the massive amou
about 15 mauve stingers (pelagia noctiluca)in about five
two small (6cm) pelagia.