more than usual, 11 mauve stingers (pelagia noctiluca) and some other stuff that i am not sure what it is, but probably not jellyfish related.

Description and Comments

it was a nice day to swim. the water was calm and clear. no real current, no wind. i was actually surprised to see so many mauve stingers, since i had seen none the day before.

the major difference today and the past couple of days was that there was a significant increase of this tiny, transparent pink stuff, with tiny pink dots. they are about 1/2 a centimeter, more or less, in diameter individually. they usually come singly, small bunches and in strings. there was also a noticible thermal layer, at the surface, and in the top meter it was a light cloudy white. not sure if it was related, but it seemed where there was one there was the other. i figuring some kind of spawning or something but i have no idea as to where to start searching to identify it on the internet. any ideas?


Type of organism






