Member for
14 years 11 monthsLatitude
Lots of large moon jellies Aurelia labiata are present in
Observered a whole lotta gelata from the floating docks t
One medium large Cyanea capillata, two Aequorea victoria<
(1) Clytia gregarum, (2) beat up Aequorea Victoria and (2
(3) Aequroea Victoria, (15) Aurelia labiata
1 large Cyanea capillata and four Aequorea Victoria.
Observed many moon jellies, A.
Time of observation: ca.
The Aequroea are showing up in noticeably lower numbers n
Observed a small Cyanea capillata (bell diameter about 10
This afternoon I found the first jellies I've seen t
The jellies are really starting to show up in Oban now.
I'm spending the summer in Oban, at the Scottish Ass
There were thousands of blue lions mane jellies, Cyanea l
Blue lions mane jellyfish Cyanea lamarckii are starting t
Today I found the first Pleurobrachia spp.
Didn't see any jellies while walking over the bridge
There aren't any jellies on West or East Sands beach
We did a plankton tow for the Monterey Bay Aquarium about