Elizabeth Eubanks
Member for
12 years 8 monthsElizabeth Eubanks
Elizabeth Eubanks
🌊 On 11.09.2020 We walked down to the bay and noticed a m
So much left over from the two hurricanes....
No jellies Mobile Bay
No jellies no pieces. Lots of Debris
No jellies seen or jellie pieces
Lots of pieces resembles moon or crystal jelly
Big beautiful jellies washed up.
Worthy of a post bc only two dead creatures we found in t
Plastic looking like a jelly
In and about the water - hoping to see the dragon drop.
All clean - lots of rainy weather coming through, but no
All clean...
Beach pretty clean except a few sea branches, tons of blu
Tons and tons and tons of faded clear ones.
Pretty clean beach.
Husband was running saw two dead:(
Husband running -saw 1 dead moon jelly
Beautiful walk.
Looks like a piece of moon? Or eggs?
Lots of skimmers and gulls - but no jellies on beach or i
Water from shore clean of jellies.
Haven’t seen much at all - so worthy of a mention