Member for
14 years 6 monthsWyatt Patry
Wyatt Patry
Photos insufficient for ID, but jellies seem too big to b
Fresh market squid hatchlings were abundant in the plankt
Large male purple stripe off Pt Pinos.
Usual summer bloom of fuscescens, ran a transect towards
Aequorea 11-99, Mitrocoma 100+, Pleurobrachia 100+, Phace
Plenty of Eutonina at the surface, also present were: Bol
Found one beat up purple stripe on Carmel Beach
Bolis littered the surface today.
Still plenty of sea nettles in blue water just past Pt Pi
Praya, Agalma and Nanomia were scattered across the surfa
Saw a few at the boat launch.
Saw at least 6 orcas on the way back to Moss Landing.
Lots of nettles right outside of kelp beds.
The only jellyfish present in the surface waters today wa
Blue water and Mitrocoma were all around, from the aquari
Sea nettles were abundant from aquarium to Pt. Pinos.
Today the water had a thick oily slick covering much of t
Still large blooms of sea nettles all over the bay.
Found nice large Aequorea in surface slicks right off the
Plenty of large Aequorea up at the surface in slicks.
Fuscescens is everywhere in front of the aquarium.
Surface slicks were thick with Bolinopsis and Pleurobrach
Saw an incredibly large Chrysaora colorata off Lovers
Thousands, if not millions, of Halimedusa were at the sur
One deep plankton tow, ~33 meters depth, was performed an