Member for
14 years 7 monthsWyatt Patry
Wyatt Patry
Harbor bloom of Aurelia coerulea at Channel Islands Harbo
Hundreds of Velella at surface for early spring bloom.
See news article
Surface slicks dominated by Mitrocoma, Corolla and a smal
Found remnants of a sea nettle and a tattered sea nettle
Collected 2 Polyorchis at the commercial wharf and saw lo
Mitrocoma everywhere in upper 20 ft.
Praya, Phacellophora, Aequorea all present
Slicks full of juvenile Vellela
High density of diatoms and algae in water.
See news article
Lots of old trash on beach too, some rebar or pipe stuck
Clear blue water, not much plankton out there.
Aequorea were abundant in surface slicks, Velella also ab
See news article, Pelagia bloom reported but photo is not
Large box jellies washing up in Townsville, see news arti