Member for
9 years 1 monthPaul Merviel
Why do you want an account on this site?
I have an interest in gelatinous zooplankton, and would like to contribute to reporting sightings, which I have been doing here since 2016.
Paul Merviel
Conditions at the time were cold and dark due to it being
I spotted about 3 or 4 Aequorea forskalea near the surfac
From the top deck of a small ferry, I could see hundreds
Was doing a tour along the peninsula of Sneffelsnes in Ic
I'm not exactly sure what these are, but they don�
Originally saw this news on French TV, so I did some more
This weekend, I went on a diving trip to the MPA of Cerbè
The golden jellyfish are most closely related to the spot
Walking along the side of a road, I spotted about three m
This is most definitely a comb jelly, I'm just not s
I was out in a kayak near Bastia, Corsica, when hundreds
I was out in a kayak near Bastia, Corsica, when hundreds
I was having a walk along a beach while watching the norw