Member for
16 years 6 monthsLatitude
Reports from George M.
Biolum higher than a Bioluminescent Bay!
Just saw one
Also Bolinopsis and Beroe off the docks
Reported by Mark D: The beach was littered with thousands
Scattered but large Velella fairly far offshore
A few individuals drifting 115 miles offshore
Several foot-long ctenophores in the California current.<
From a news report: a few (one?) washing ashore
Dried up on beach
From an article
fairly rare jellyfish from 688 meters
Many Mitrocoma and Pyrosomes in Monterey Bay
Hundreds washing up at Mustang Island State Park
Only saw one small pytosome but several vertebrae.
Plenty of small Velella on the beach.
Debbie T reports via Facebook: Many, many more By-the-win
Reported from Middleton Island in 2014
Open ocean Velella rafts.
Also seen floating just offshore in large numbers
Many individuals of Cardiapoda or Pterotrachea washed up
During reef dives and one exploratory blue-water dive we