Member for
16 years 7 monthsLatitude
Found 27 balloons along our route as far as 20 miles from
Smattering of Velella on surface
Washing up with the flotsam from the recent rains.
Patrick W reports: Arrow worm (1), velamen comb jelly (1)
Pat W from the Aquarium reports: Phacellophora (small, ma
Glassilaun Beach, Connemara, Co Galway, Ireland large num
"Thousands" said to wash up.
No scyphozoans to speak of, but tons of Corolla (pteropod
Lots of ctenophores (Ocyropsis cr, Thalassocalyce, Bolino
Isolated piece of jellyfish -- maybe moon or sea nettle
Lots of small doliolids, Beroe, Pleurobrachia, Corolla
Otherwise clean-looking
Lots of Doliolids some Mitrocoma
From media reports
Loomis reef, lizard island, North Queensland, low tide, 1
And other organisms: Pyrosomes were abundant.
High on the beach.
Report from Katie A: Never seen anything like it before (
Mostly clean seas but one large scyphozoan.