Member for
14 years 6 monthsLatitude
Paddled from Berkeley South Basin to Golden Gate Fields.
Paddled from Horseshoe Cove to Kirby Cove and then to Pt.
Paddled from Horseshoe Cove to Point Bonita, but did not
Paddled from Horseshoe Cove to Point Bonita, observed abo
While paddling across Richardson Bay, observed a single h
Paddled around Richardson Bay from Sea Trek to Pt.
Paddled from Emeryvill Marina to Clipper Cove on Treasure
At tidepools near Asilomar SB, observed a single adult se
Paddled from Emveryville Marina to Clipper Cove on Treasu
Paddled west into Monterey Bay about 4 miles from Moss La
Paddling out past the red harbor entrance bouy about 1.3
Paddling west of Moss Landing, about 1.5 miles from the h
Paddling out of Moss Landing, near MBK beach, spotted num
Twice observed a porpoise or dolphin at the West end of R