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16 years 6 monthsLatitude
Some small box jellies reported at Palm Cove in Cairns.
Southern Monterey Bay, California: 1/2 mile offshore of t
Picture by Crissy H from a lake on Wayag Island, Raja Amp
Several "poppers" washed up on the beach.
Large drift-rows of moon jellies in the harbor of the JAM
Crazy numbers of small jellies reported by Stephanie W.
Several Beroe, some Mertensia and Lobates, seen by CWD.
Reports of jellyfish, Portuguese man o war, and box jelli
Reports of stings and sightings
Many small Pelagia (nearest-neighbor distance about 10-20
Reported in the news by several beachgoers.
reports and images of large drifts on the beaches
Saw several 10 cm Aurelia and a few 6 cm Mitrocoma in the
Large numbers seen off the docks
From a news report of "several" sightings
Reported "hundreds" washing up along the easter
Dozens blown ashone near Velez Malaga
Purple, swarms of dozens
Monthly influx
Many washing up on beach
More caught in nets during trawling
"Big white ones and Portuguese man o' war"
Lifeguards closed the bay due to box jellies, Feb 7 to 8t
This is the monthly predicted bloom.