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16 years 6 monthsLatitude
No sea nettles, but lots of Nanomia and ctenophores, kril
Except for the trash the ignorant humans leave behind....
Mostly clean seas but Polyorchis, a few pteropods and ?An
Large individual spotter by Chad's dog on Moss Landi
Chilly air, but water like a swimming pool.
Divers filmed these from the surface to about 10 meters d
Swam a bit offshore to the wreck and didn't see any
On a blue water dive about 20 miles west of Monterey (map
Didn't notice any animals, but lots of algae (Ulva)
Report of thousands of Crambione mastigophora washed up a
Lots of large, beat up and decaying Chrysaora in the harb
A few washed up in the kelp line
A few on the beach
Several among the sea glass pieces
Lots of salps, Leucothea, Nanomia, Beroe forskalii, etc,
One Mitrocoma and one beat-up disk of a Phacellophora in
Large Chrysaora and Phacellophora near coast to about 5 m
6 box jellies spotted at Botany Bay in NSW.
During marine mammal and ocean sunfish surveys off of Van
A bit off the Capitola pier.
Many Noctiluca scintillans and some Protoperidinium.
From the phytoplankton monitoring group, sea nettles, ca
Very greenish yellow water, but didn't see any large
Many Phialidium and a few Aequorea off the docks in Bosto
Beach park in San Juan, Puerto Rico