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16 years 6 monthsLatitude
Floating just off the Bremerton public dock ( in one of t
Large swarms of the salp Thalia democratica being eaten b
Mostly clear and clean
According to news reports: about 100 pyrosomes washed up
Great day at the beach in Laguna, with large, fun swell a
Probably tens of thousands, feeding on anchovies in the e
Workers burying a seal on beach
Small clear jelly (?hydromedusa) found on the beach by Na
Nice example of Deepstaria enigmatica in the deep waters
Up on the beach in Moss Landing
Carlos Rabat sent these photos of an unusual medusa, poss
No box jellies although it is the time of the lunar month
Some Nanomia at 200 meters and plenty of "Aegina&quo
Very few (and beat-up) Chrysaora.
Some Ocyropsis and Bolinopsis (lobate ctenophores) along
Some swimmers and surfers out enjoying the water.
The rain washed all the trash into the ocean, somewhat sp
Many fulmars spotted eating Chrysaora.
Lots of small Polyorchis, Phialidium, and a few Plaurobra
Decent waves but water is brownish green with strong odor
Lots of sea nettles just below the surface, to a few mile
Actually a few Aurelia too, and more like 50:1 Ch:Ph
...and whales, if those kinds of things excite you.
News report of likely Chrysaora achylos at Thousand Steps