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Title Date of sighting reporter Image Lat / Lng Description Type of organism Other type
No jellies, but trash beroe 18.470 / -66.090

Beach park in San Juan, Puerto Rico

Jellyfish Sightings on… Bedearing 32.000 / -80.850

1 Mneiopsis comb jelly

Logging another zero Jellykeeper101 18.460 / -66.080

Didn't see any jellies while walking over the bridge

Clean sea
Jellyfish Sightings on… Bedearing 32.000 / -80.850

1 Lion's Mane jelly

Santa Barbara first half… Miramar ragamuffin 34.420 / -119.610

hydromedusa -- either Polyorchis or Scrippsia or both.

Other hydromedusa
Pyrosoma… leannedfoster Alt text 36.460 / -121.940

Organism was apporximately ten inches long, at a depth of

Other pelagic tunicate
Polyorchis penicillatus… jellyhunter 36.610 / -121.880

Saw hundreds, if not thousands, of Polyorchis penicillatu

Physalia… Jellywatcher Alt text 18.720 / -91.650

hello i saw on my beach a lot of Physalia physalis on the

Man o war
Beached Mnemiopsis leidyi… Lodewijk 53.170 / 4.870

Lots (ca. 100) large M.

No jellies for awhile lucas 49.320 / -122.940

Have not spotted any medusae in Indian Arm for several we

Clean sea
Just recording a Zero Jellykeeper101 56.340 / -2.800

There aren't any jellies on West or East Sands beach

Clean sea
Sharks'… Miramar ragamuffin Alt text 34.420 / -119.610

5 P.M.

Other ctenophore
Acromitus… Raju Saravanan Alt text 12.870 / 74.830

Swarming of Acromitus flagellatus in Gurupur river- Manga

dead thornback… bkossy Alt text 37.500 / -122.500

We found it on the beach in the harbor at Pillar Pt.

Other Ray
box jelly Jellywatcher 36.600 / -125.820

i was suming and saw 7 of them

Box Jelly
Beached… bkossy Alt text 37.520 / -122.510

Lots of clear jellyfish beached on the sand at low tide.<

Cannonball Jellyfish Jellywatcher 27.820 / -97.060

There were two jellyfish washed up on the beach.

Santa Barbara Sharks… Miramar ragamuffin 34.420 / -119.610

small, clear, perfectly round, marble sized balls with tw

Other ctenophore
Fernald Point… Miramar ragamuffin Alt text 34.420 / -119.620

On beach at 12:29 P.M.

Beroe, Mitrocoma, fewer… jellyhunter 36.610 / -121.980

Observed plenty of "oven mit" ctenophores, Bero

Clean seas in Goleta Bay… alison 34.410 / -119.830

Paddle board from Campus point to the Pier and out a mile

Clean sea
East San Francisco Bay -… KelpRat 37.890 / -122.340

Paddled from Berkeley South Basin to Golden Gate Fields.

Clean sea
multiple jellies washed… boomerang 30.370 / -86.360

multiple cannonballs, multiple moon jellyfish, plus 1 unk

phosphorescence in waves… boomerang 30.370 / -86.360

flashes of beautiful blue-white glow in breaking waves; v

Red Tide
Miramar Beach, FL 32550… Jellywatcher 30.380 / -86.360

phosphorescence in the waves; beautiful blue-white glow w

Red Tide