Member for
11 yearsNatalia López
Natalia López
It was small, very cute!
Sighted stranded by over wash
Many individuals in the bottom.
Sailing along with the boat
Stranded. Sighted by Alberto Germosen.
I am a volunteer intern for CNWR; Virginia Aquarium Stran
Saw it while SCUBA Diving
stranded by overwash
Around reef area and aligned
Big specimens. Swimming around everywhere.
Got stung by it. Around murky water.
Found a big one. I could have been Mnemiopsis leydii
Many in the area
Many individuals
It stung a person in the leg, but no severe Irukandji syn
Big specimens getting caught on fishing nets.
found stranded at the estuary mouth.
Upside down jellyfishes are all over this area.
Sighted at Humacao during a Marine Biology field trip
I am collecting this specie for my master's thesis a