Higher numbers, decreasing diversity in Friday Harbor
Description and Comments
Over the last couple of days I've observed fairly high numbers of small medusae in Friday Harbor including 1000s of (mature) Phialidium gregarium (two with parasitic Peachia anemone larvae on them) and 1000s of Mitrocoma cellularia (these large hydromedusae are still not full grown or mature), there are also 10s of Sarsia spp., Stomotoca atra, Eutonina indicans, and Aequorea victoria, and small numbers of Bougainvillia principis, Neoturris breviconis, Catablema nodulosa, Leuckartiara sp., Euphya sp. and Aglantha digitale. As for ctenophores, there are still a few Bolinopsis infundibulum, but the bloom from last month is largely gone, and the occasional Pleurobrachia bachei or, rarely, Euplokamis dunlapae. I also saw 6 Nanomia siphonophores in 10-15 minutes at the surface today.
Sounds like a great bloom!
Sounds like a great bloom!