Lots of Sea Creatures
Description and Comments
Saw a good size octopus, jellys, box jellys, seals, tons of star fish, anemones, an eel, crabs, spittin' clams, cormorants feasting on schools of fish, egrets hunting, list goes on and on.. lots to see right now!
Type of organism
Ocotopus / Box Jelly / Stars
Great! Any idea what kind of
Great! Any idea what kind of jellies?
Moon Jelly, bell-shaped
In reply to Great! Any idea what kind of by jellywatch
Moon Jelly, bell-shaped jelly, some kind of a big pink colored jelly that resembled Pelagia noctiluca, and honestly I believe I saw 3 Irukandji's, 2 types... one was about the 1/2 the size of a baseball, box shaped with many longish tenticles.. the other was smaller than a golf ball, box shaped and 4 longish tenticles.. didnt see any striped jellys today, saw and abundance of them last summer... also saw the red tube worms plumed out and feeding... and came across a couple organisms that I have no clue what they are..