Possible sighting of Tiburonia granrojo

Description and Comments

Bell was about 2 feet in diameter and very sphere shaped. The texture of the bell was rough looking, opaque, and gray. From a distance it looked like the moon. It was drifting in a horizontal orientation with the bottom of the bell facing away from us. I swam closer and to the side where I could see a translucent skirt about a half to 3/4 of an inch long. The bell was nearly closed with the bottom opening being about 1 foot in diameter. I did not get a look inside the bell. I was nervous about approaching the business end of an unknown jellyfish and frankly this thing was downright creepy looking. We could not see any tentacles. It did not move, but hung neutral in the water column, drifting with the current. The depth was about 55 feet. Water temp was 41 deg. F. visibility was very good, almost 70 feet. We were not using any artificial light so we may have missed any red coloration.


Type of organism






