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16 years 8 monthsAdministrator
Reported off San Clemente Island "carpeting the surface".
Several on OB. Reported by Lisa G. L.
Reported by Ken McC
Two on the beach. Reported by Beth.
Many relatively large specimens photographed on the beach
1 foot diameter
soon after the tide went out late morning and left washed
1-2 feet off the seawall at the end of Armview Terrace
Mass stranding of Velella velella at Nye Beach in Newport
Spotted near Nambucca Heads in Queensland by James Cook..
Found tons of these guys on Chesterman beach in Tofino BC
On the beach near Muscat.
Swimming in waterways
Many washing up on beaches in San Diego and Orange County
Carien reports many Pelagia for the last 4 weeks.
Possible Craspedacusta seen by Martin E while swimming.
Submitted by DHL
Cotylorhiza tuberculata, dos cada día en permanencias de
Blue Jellyfish sighted alongside causeway to Lihou Island
Rhopilema nomadica, Rhizostoma pulmo, Phyllorhiza punctat