User sightings
Around a hundred stranded on the beach.
By the wind sailor blue jellyfish
There are tons of these jellyfish washed up on shore all
Was surfing there today and saw 10's of them washed
Large (ish) jellies with bells that ranged in diameter of
Seen beached.
Spotted one whilst paddling out for a surf.
at oceanside beach
We spotted hundreds, if not thousands, of blue jellyfish
I think they are box jellies, they glow green when distu
Saw hundreds if by the sail blue jellyfish
These jellies are a striking color, and appear to have a
Lots of quarter sized round clear disc shaped jelly fish
Hundreds if not thousands of blue sailor jellyfish have w
On the beach of Bodega Bay.
They are all over the beaches we have walked the week of
There are thousands of these blue velalla velalla fin sai
Saw thousands of these "by-the-wind sailor" jel
Seal Beach, CA.
I could not make out if they were alive or not.
Hundreds of Sailor Jellyfish can be seen washed up on sho
A day of warm waters and late afternoon we started seeing
Oval shaped, blue rimmed with a translucent fin extending
Discovered this guy on Lloyd's Beach, Little Compton