User sightings
Floating in the choppy ocean and scattered all over the s
Clear blue, circular shaped, with what looks like a sucti
Hundreds and hundreds of thousands of velella veĺlela dry
Many beautiful sea rafts as i called them washed up on th
Isola del Giglio Italy
The week leading up to sighting huge numbers of Velella o
On Santa Monica beaches today!
White sail with the blue bottom.
Thousands washed up on the shore
They looked like plastic washed up on the beach and then
Thousands washed-up on Marloes Sands beach in Pembrokeshi
Hundreds and hundreds on the shoreline along the beach 1
Vellela line miles of coast line at pismo beach
Sycamore State Beach many hundreds of these blue and clea
Spotted around 20-30 along the shore of Pacific Ocean jus
Thousands and thousands along the beach, dried out and fr
Beach covered in velellas overnight in Rockaway Beach, OR
We spotted thousands of Velella stranded on the various b
Thousands of velellas on 4 mile beach in Santa Cruz, CA.
There are thousands of blue and dried white velellas wash
Lots of Velella strewn across the beach, some alive, some
Thousands of live, dead and floating velella on a pebble
Many Vellela on beach and in tide pools