User sightings
Thousands of these filling the water in the mouth of the
My wife and niece reported seeing luminescence when they
Ctenophores I believe.
sadly, the jellyfish i saw were washed up on the beach, s
Physalia physalia
see picture
sant ambroggio Corse France
Physalia physalia
Hundreds of orange nettles 4 miles south of Moss Landing
Several dimensions from from 1inch to 15inch.
100's / 10m of coastline of little (2-3" dia) p
sono al lido di venezia, localita' alberoni.
Saw three large dark brown and black jellyfish in the Lon
Lots of Jelly Fish, small, about the size of an adult fis
Si segnalano diverse meduse bianche con striscia viola ne
Just got back from a week in Bimini the jellyfish were ev
Is frequent.
Abbiamo trovato prima della boa una bella medusa marrone
Non ho potuto evitare frustata e infiammazione