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Title Date of sighting reporter Image Lat / Lng Description Type of organism Other type
Dixon scholars Pensacola… DixonScholars 30.330 / -87.140

Aequorea Victoria Washed up

Dixon scholars Pensacola… DixonScholars 30.330 / -87.140

Broken piece of a crystal jellyfish

Jellyfish stung my kids… Jellywatcher 26.110 / -97.170

Small orange and white

Jellyfish at fort Monroe… Jellywatcher 37.020 / -76.300

Jellyfish in the water at fort Monroe beach both yesterda

Dixon scholars Pensacola… DixonScholars 30.330 / -87.140

We got a close picture of a Moon jellyfish in the water

Comb Jelly… Jellywatcher 16.800 / -87.780

Looking for an ID to family on this comb jelly recorded i

Pensacola Beach, FL USA… Elizabeth Eubanks 30.330 / -87.140

Blue Buttons large and super small

Dixon scholars Pensacola… Jellywatcher 30.330 / -87.140 Jellyfish
Dixon scholars Pensacola… Jellywatcher 30.330 / -87.140

Blu button washed to shore

Dixon scholars ,… Jellywatcher 30.330 / -87.140

Aequorea Victoria / Crystal jellyfish broken up

Dixon scholars Pensacola… DixonScholars 30.330 / -87.140

Blue button jellyfish

Sea Nettle, Pensacola… Elizabeth Eubanks 30.330 / -87.140

Walked a 1/2 a mile on the beach just west of the pier.

Other Sea Nettle
Pensacola Beach, FL, USA… Elizabeth Eubanks 30.330 / -87.150

Crystal Jelly blobs, pieces and central discs along the b

Sea Nettle in ocean Fort… Elizabeth Eubanks 30.320 / -87.280

Husband surfing and encountered many and was gifted by th

Other Sea Nettie
Yorktown beach Jellywatcher 37.240 / -76.510

Went swimming today in Yorktown beach va and saw dozens o

Jellyfish Jellywatcher 33.690 / -78.890

High up on the beach, one swimmer stung

Many-Ribbed Jelly or… Elizabeth Eubanks 30.330 / -87.140

Many blobs and whole crystals on the beach...

Jellyfish Aequorea Forskalea
Sea Nettle / Pensacola… Elizabeth Eubanks 30.330 / -87.140

Found many whole and pieces of Sea Nettle on beach 1day p

Jellyfish Sea Nettle
Blue Buttons, Pensacola… Elizabeth Eubanks 30.330 / -87.150

Blue Buttons on the beach and coming in out of the water

Comb jelly Jellywatcher 40.910 / 9.730

Mnemiopsis just below the water surface at Tavolara (Sard

Other Comb jelly (Mnemiopsis)
Clean Beach at Fort… Elizabeth Eubanks 30.180 / -88.810

Walked a bit and this beach is clean.

Clean sea
Whitstable West Beach Jellywatcher 51.360 / 1.020

19deg sea, 10cm diameter, lots of smaller ones too

Jellyfish Mr.
A Crystal Jelly -… Elizabeth Eubanks 30.330 / -87.140

After the moving of Tropical Storm Barry in the Gulf Coas

Jellyfish Aequorea Forskalea
Combe jellies in drop… S-Trim 52.320 / 1.660

Crabbing with a drop net early afternoon in bright clear

Komo Jellyfish in… Jellywatcher 6.430 / 102.240

Found this jelly swimming just off the boat on our snorke
