Elizabeth Eubanks
Member for
12 years 8 monthsElizabeth Eubanks
Elizabeth Eubanks
Saw the biggest Moon I've ever seen!
Great ocean fun with MBARI EARTH teachers.
About 10 captured in a trawl net along with the Marine Di
EARTH expedition: About 10 captured in a trawl net along
Cruising the beach after a beautiful day on the Pacific.<
EARTH expedition: About 5 captured in a trawl net along w
EARTH expedition: About 5 captured in a trawl net along w
This was collected by my husband after a surf session.
So much sargassum on beach and floating patties in water.
Man o war loner
Marine Lab - key largo
Snorkeling in Florida Bay with Marine Lab
There are so many that when we cruise on the 4 wheeler t
Not as many today but they are still coming in-
If it is already out of the water- what is the chance of
Sea Tuttle nesting season started March 1...
Might have landed yesterday faded